Have you ever been to Jasper’s Restaurant in Largo, MD?

This old school, family dining restaurant, is a favorite amongst the locals here and we recently got a call from their owner looking to take care of the terrazzo floor in their lounge area.
The use of terrazzo flooring dates all the way back to ancient Egypt, but the material we most commonly see used today was actually developed by builders in Italy in search of a low-cost option for floors. Most loved for it’s durability and low-maintenance properties, terrazzo is one of the easiest flooring options for those looking for customization.
To bring the life back to the floor at Jasper’s, we did a simple, but effective, three-step restoration using a variety of diamond vortex pads. 
Since it’s a lounge area and very high traffic, the owner wasn’t looking for a super high gloss finish, so we went with a more subdued end gloss for another very happy customer!

Fresh, polished stone has a way of making a property feel new again. Give us a call for a quote today!  We specialize in installation, polishing, repair, sealing, cleaning and renovation of marble, granite, terrazzo and other natural stone tile and solid surfaces.

We’re locally owned and managed, trained in some of the finest old-world stone restoration techniques and guarantee our best work the first time around. Let’s get your project started! Contact Zoltan at (202)400-1541