Zoltan Stone Works was contacted to update the floor of a 3 million dollar home in Potomac, sildenafil MD. This beautiful home boasts flooring made out of Navona stone which has all the advantages of that of a glazed porcelain; however when Zoltan Stone Works was called into action, the floor was in really bad shape, it looked very dull and it showed an obvious ‘wear and tear’ condition (many scratches).

Zoltan Stone Works was able to inspect the flooring accordingly and was able to use a four-step process with a
220-400-800 Dimond grind and polishing powder. The results can be seen in the after picture!

 Zoltan Stone Works has 22 years of tile and marble installation and restoration experience. We can replace or restore any kind of tile, marble, stone or slate in any shape or form. Please contact us with your project for a consultation 202-400-1541.