Apr 24, 2016 | Carrara Marble, marble, Marble Polishing
Zoltan Stone Works was contacted to repair and polish a specific threshold are of the Pentagon Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces in Washington DC. Carrara Marble is considered the top of the line, stone therefore it requires special care because this type of marble...
Apr 12, 2016 | home, Navona, Renovation
Zoltan Stone Works was contacted to update the floor of a 3 million dollar home in Potomac, sildenafil MD. This beautiful home boasts flooring made out of Navona stone which has all the advantages of that of a glazed porcelain; however when Zoltan Stone Works was...
Mar 27, 2016 | Carrara Marble
Zoltan Stone works was contacted to restore the Grand Foyer of the US Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces at the Pentagon. When Zoltan Stone Works arrived on site, they realized that the foyer was built with ‘Carrara Marble’ that had black insert design;...